Friday, September 30, 2016

Dealing with Pain

At times, most, if not all of us, deal with pain.
It may be a headache or toothache or something more of a serious nature.
Yet, whatever our 'cross' is, little or small, we are in pain and must learn to deal with it.
This is the challenge we are faced with,  how to deal with pain.
At present I have a bout of psoriasis, a swelling of the hands and an itch that dries me crazy almost.
Apart from the embarrassment caused by my affliction, I often find myself in a state of being unable to function or concentrate on what I want to do.
I know this condition is not life-threatening and yet can be difficult to live with.
Friends tell me to rest and relax as best I can. 
I guess this is where Faith comes in and one is willing to suffer and carry one's  cross, whatever it might be.
God loves us and it pains Him to see us suffer and yet, there are lessons in life that can only be taught through the Cross.
Christ chose the Cross.
I will to be able to do the same.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Put Love in...

Whatever we want to do / wherever we are / however we are, put Love in...
Life can be beautiful and sometimes challenging yet if we can embrace ALL then life will indeed be wonderful.
In this great imperfect world of ours, we will be faced with our own imperfections and those of others, yet this can be made easy when we put Love in.
I often find the 'pin-pricks' most challenging;  they can be so tiny and yet so irritating at times, yet as soon as I work at putting Love into the situation then life becomes interesting and easier to manage.
The spiritual mind tells us that God is LOVE.
On that premise we can choose to have the wisdom of God with us and so put Love in

to all we do.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


The ability to take time out to play, to have Playtime in our lives is such a wonderful thing to do. 
Children do this all the time and happily create a world of happiness and excitement and pleasure.
As we grow older and hopefully wiser we may assume that playtime is only for children. 
We have responsibilities and commitments that seem to fill our lives and leave  little time for playing.
How sad this would be, to forget about enjoying life and be happy and carefree.
Perhaps it's a kind of paradox, the more we become childlike and willing to give time to playtime, the more able we become as regards being a responsible and committed person.
Take time out, make time for Playtime.