Thursday, January 21, 2016

Love Weakness

It seems a strange thing to say, 'Love Weakness'  and yet this could well be the secret of inner happiness and peace of mind.
When we love weakness, we accept how we and who we are.  There is no judgement or regret or guilt.  In this way we learn to accept others as they are and who they are.
Loving a state of weakness allows us to be free from prejudices and judgements that can hamper our ability to see the truth of a situation. 
How this works is easy, we develop a love for what is the honest truth.
Perhaps I am tired or sick or jealous or whatever might be the emotional state that I am in.
No need for guilt, just acceptance.
God meets us where we are, not where we think we are or desire to be.
Just as we are, God loves us.
Shame for us not to love ourselves as we, imperfect and hopefully happy.

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