Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Last night at the Space Inside  Arts Evening, I was surprised and delighted with so much local talent.
The group, Tell No Foxx  added such a unique style of harmony and melody, using modern sound effects.  They wowed us and also brought along a good following of interested people.
Vanessa, the poet, performed so well that she won the audience over, not to mention Annie Wolfe and her band of talented friends.
Each performer shared their talents with such sincerity, giving 100% and helping us to realise how much work goes into developing their talents.
Sharing who we are and what we do is a great way to inspire others to share themselves and what they are able to do. 
Our sharing can be of a quiet nature in recognising and loving those around us.
Whatever way our talents draw us, let us willingly share them with others.

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