Pain is like an unwelcome visitor who calls at the most inconvenient time.
We make our plans and hope to achieve or at least continue towards our dreams, and then pain happens in ways we never imagined it would.
What can we do? What do we do?
I found myself waiting in the hospital for treatment for a sore eye. The doctor said it was important to see a specialist.
Five hours later, I was still waiting and hoping and eventually treatment was prescribed and I was glad to be on my way.
It's easy to be pre-occupied with our own pain and so it can be good to see how others cope too.
In a strange way, pain can be a gift.
God chose it when He sent His Son to suffer for us.
Christ chose it when He died on the Cross.
Each day we have a choice to embrace whatever cross that comes our way and perhaps help others to bear their cross too.