Tuesday, July 7, 2015


It's important to have friends, good friends. people who encourage us to be the best we can be.
When it comes to the spiritual life, it's important to embrace the company of those who will help us to love God and grow in awareness of His love for us.
This can be a challenge as we may have good friends and yet they may not be enlightened or have awareness of God's Presence in our lives.
If this is so, then we have to let go of all and everyone who would distract or make less of our desire to love God.
It's sounds harsh and yet if we hold on to friends for friendship sake, even though they cannot help us in our spiritual need, then we do them and ourselves a dis-service.
Perhaps Shakesphere knew it all when he said,
 'To thy ownself be true and thou wilt not be false to anyone.' 
St. Julian of Norich is quoted as saying, ' All is well, all is LOVE.'

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