Tuesday, March 5, 2013


When we read about people who have lived a sincere spiritual life, we become aware that they had a structure and a special way of living.
No matter who they were or what their status as regards intelligence, they had humility;  they were a humble soul.
How did they avoid the ordinary traps of pride?
I believe their sincerity in loving God was their protection.
God doesn't wave His finger at us and demand that we are perfect beings.
He is the Creator and has a plan for us, taking into account our very human nature and all the many weaknesses that come with being human.
Humility teaches us to be honest and unafraid of being weak / failing etc.
The humble soul has no guilt / no guile / no pretense.
When we aspire to be humble, we are often tripped up by our imperfections, but no matter.  We are happy to be who we are, regardless of how others might see us or even judge us.
We are here primerly to love God; not ourselves or others.
Strange to say that as our way to love is found in caring for others.
Perhaps the truth is found in simply putting God first / our neighbour second and our selves third.
This way we gain a sense of freedom and balance, allowing us to be a happy, humble soul!

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