Thursday, May 20, 2010


The value of what we do depends on the purpose why we do what we do.

There are times when we simply 'fall' into things. We have no great plan, just drift along and hope that things will turn out right.

This would be the disposition of a 'dreamer', a person who uses their imagination more than their common-sense.

Now, using our imagination is a good thing. We learn to apply lateral thinking and see and do things from a different perspective.

However, the 'dreamy' person is often detached from reality. They want to do something yet don't allow enough time to do it.

They want to say something, yet make no preparation / lose focus and so what could well have been a brilliant idea is smothered in guilt and regret.

Having purpose in our lives keeps us grounded, and gives us energy to put in the work needed to succeed in what we are doing or saying etc.

The idea of wanting to become a saint, a true friend of God's, helps us reflect on Truth; gives purpose to all we do and so we gain grace to do all things well.

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