Thursday, September 24, 2009


This morning we listened to the tape, A Servant of Love, for meditation. It was a good reminder for me to put things in perspective and realise what is most important, to put love into all I do.

Life can be so busy, so full of things to do. We can so easily be swamped with what we believe is most important. Yet, if we were to find ourselves in a life-threatening situation, would all these things matter?

Perhaps what can make it easy is simply to focus on Christ and His love for us. He gave His life that we might live. This wonderful sacrifice is meant to move us towards a life of love, to put love into all we do.

Each day we are presented with opportunities to respond to God's love for us; to show our love for others and become a true servant of love.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Preparation comes about when we have a goal in mind and aim towards fulfilling it. At present, we are preparing a trip to Spain, a special Retreat, and so there is much to prepare.

So, easy to become anxious about what to bring / how to prepare etc.

The logical mind will make a list, outlining all that is needed, then tick off each item as it is made ready. The 'load' that is in the mind is transferred to paper. Peace follows.

This is a template for all journeys, and of course we are preparing each day for our final journey. For some of us, our journey's end may not be long away. For others, years have to pass and yet each day brings us closer to our destination, being with He who loves us, in Heaven.

Preparation is the key to peace and happiness. Each day, we start to prepare. Each day brings us closer to our destination.

What a shame, not to be prepared. Yet, our compassionate Lover allows us to start again, each day!

Friday, September 18, 2009


For those of us of a spiritual mind, we believe that Christ is the Truth as taught to us by our religion and reading of the Bible. Therefore we have a Model of what Truth is all about.

This is a simple approach to life and for those of us who are able to value simplicity, this is the answer to all difficulites. There is an answer. All we need to do is apply it!

In our Church here in Wicklow, our parish priest, Fr. Tim would often say, "What would the Narazethen do? What would Jesus do?"

So, if we are in doubt about anything, simply ask, what would Christ say? What would Christ do? Then we have a definite answer.

The Truth will set us free.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


When we examine our lives, and are truthful about our strengths and weaknesses, the answer to all difficulties is found in our efforts to love.

Love transcends all, even our failings. The efforts we make to love / to reach out and care for others, shows itself in the abundance of peace that comes our way.

The person who is willing to dedicate their life to loving will be a joyful person. Of course challenges will come as none of us are perfect (as yet), yet even then there will be a joyful response to all difficulties and an inner strength to deal with new situations.

We are created to love. Therefore the very best in us will be seen in any and all efforts we make to grow in our ability to love.

Change will happen, and we will be able to embrace all with a loving heart.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


To have a welcome heart means a willingness to care for and love others. A heart that is welcoming is open to the needs of those around them. The welcome heart is open to love.

We can learn to be a loving person by simply opening ourselves to all the opportunities that come our way each day.

Welcome to my world. Welcome to all that I am. Welcome to a sharing of God's love for each one of us.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


An open mind is one that is open to new things/ new happenings / new ideas. When we are open, we are not fixed in our thoughts or ways of doings things. We are free.

This is the goal that we can aim for, to be a free-minded person and not a victim of certain ideas or beliefs.

As a Catholic, I know and believe in the Presence of God, both in the Blessed Eucharist and also in each person I meet. God is not contained by conventional ways we may have learned.

Our job, you might say, is to discover God in all and everything that happens to us in each day of our lives. We can put labels on things and people, yet God is above our understanding. He is also living in the hearts of each one of us.

It takes an open mind to comprehend this wonderful mystery of the Presence of God. To truly believe that we possess He who is Love.

With an open mind, there will be no limits to our God-like development, our journey to God.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


We live in a world that admires and applauds strength. It's in our very survival system to aim at being strong and invincible, or so it seems.

Yet reality can be so different. The truth is that all of us are weak, in some way or other, perhaps not by choice, yet definitely by nature.

I am not perfect. You are not perfect. We are imperfect creatures, aiming at perfection. It is this interest and willingness to give all we have and do the best we can that makes us human, and also lovable.

If I can face my need to be weak / my need for weakness, then I will be able to love and reach a state of perfection in loving.

This is what life is all about. This is God's plan for each one of us, to perfect our ability to be a loving, compassionate and caring person.

So, how do I come to grips with my need for weakness?

The simple answer is to love / to face my need for love, and despite failures, continue to love.