On the eve of a holiday or when we are expecting something good to happen, part of our enjoyment is found in having GREAT EXPECTATIONS.
We are meant to be happy and enjoy life. This is a God-given gift, the whole gift of life itself. Could it be that sometimes we are afraid to be happy? Afraid to enjoy life?
The answer to this is yes and no. If we are happy with our daily life/ the people we live with/ the work we do etc. then the answer is yes. We are free to embrace life. Our hearts are open to grace. God has freedom to spoil us, and He does.
To be fearful/ afraid to enjoy life is sad. It can happen if we hold on to old disappointments or hurts. Yet, the past is dead/ the past is gone. What is important is NOW!
So, take a deep breath, and breathe in the Love of God.