Friday, January 30, 2009


By looking at Perfection, we can learn to understand imperfection.

For those with Faith, God is almighty/ He is perfect. God loves us perfectly. His love is compassionate, allowing for our weaknesses and failings. He simply asks for our good will.

When we offer our good will to God, He steps into our lives and adds His grace and help, thus allowing us to become more than we are. We are clothed with His love. Our weaknesses become as shadows and His love shines out from us.

We live in an imperfect world. Therefore we meet with imperfection in ourselves and others, even those we love. Yet, by responding to the love of God, we learn to be God-like in our behaviour/ our actions/ our thoughts. We are given the chance to become part of the perfection of love.

God lives in us, and we in Him.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The value of good company is only realised when we find ourselves in need of another person, someone with whom we can share our ideals and aspirations.
Of course, it is good to enjoy our own company. This is important because we can then learn to know ourselves and appreciate our own uniqueness.

A person of Faith knows and believes that God has created each one of us with special love and individuality. Therefore it is important that we value this quality of uniqueness and do not try to copy someone else. Who wants to be a 'copy-cat'? However and whatever we do, it will have our individual stamp upon it, and this is as it should be.

Yet, there are times when we can learn so much from others. Just being in the company of another person adds to our personality, for better or worse. We owe it to ourselves to choose to be in good company.

We don't have to be a rocket-scientist to know the difference between good and bad company. So, let's do ourselves a big favour and choose wisely the company we keep.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


It occured to me today that happiness and honesty go hand in hand. The proof of this is found in our peace of mind. When we are at peace with ourselves and others,
we have nothing to hide. Therefore, we are honest and happy too.

Now, I wonder how do we lose our peace of mind? Is it a deliberate act on our part that we separate ourselves from Truth and begin to live a lie?

No, I believe it's more subtle, perhaps even an act of our sub-conscious mind. We are disturbed by something/ we become afraid, and so the lies begin. We step away from truth and slowly our peace of mind dwindles, little by little.

The solution is simple. Simply be honest. Face our fears, whatever they might be and turn our minds and hearts to Truth.

Christ said, 'I am the Way, the Truth...'

Let's link up with this compassionate Redeemer and we will find, the Truth will set us free,
free to be honest. The result is happiness.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today, Barac Obama was officially voted in as the 44th President of America. This day has already made history! Such hope for the world, new beginnings/ new changes / new hope.

It made me realise how valuable the virtue of HOPE is and how much we need the optimistic spirit that comes with it.

For those of us who might be enclined to worry about life and difficulties and the economy etc. it is a great chance to turn to God and take Him at His word,
"I will be with you, always, even to the end of the world."

Now, this is where hope springs from, this wonderful compassionate Lover who cares for each one of us. God cares for us. Let us respond to His love and learn to care for each other.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today I am hosting a Creative Writing Class, here in SOL centre. This will be a first for me in this mode, and hopefully it will be successful.
To my mind, the commitment to give the class is my immediate standard of success. It can be a challenge to commit, to anything, in this modern, fast-moving world of ours. We have an inner need to achieve, to have instant gratification. So, long-term commitment and hard work seem to be neglected.

Yet, in our hearts we know the value of working at what we love to do. This passion for life, whatever form it takes is a key to Self Knowledge.

Therefore, examine, not your head, but your heart. Find out what it is you love to do. What are you passionate about? Focus on this; follow through with a daily discipline, and you will be amazed at the discovery of self.

This hidden, precious self is the real you, the real me, the real us!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The value of success is shown in how we deal with supposed failure. The wise person would tell us that failure is only postponed success. Is it?
A good way to examine this theory is to study what we would call a recent failure. At first we may be deflated, even discouraged by what we regard as failure, yet wait a little while. Make no judgement. Let time show the reality of our supposed failure.

There are some lessons that can only be learned through pain. It doesn't mean that we have to fail, yet perhaps it's our ego that has to suffer. A little deflation is no harm, and often does a lot of good.

So, next time you experience what seems to be a failure of sorts, relax and wait. Let time show that this is often the path to success!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


This morning my friends and I discussed the importance of being in the NOW, of how important it is to be focused on where we are, what we are doing, and who we are with.
There is a spiritual awareness of the present moment, called the Sacrament of the Present Moment. This means that each moment is precious, a gift given to us by God.

How we value each moment depends on how focused we are. When I am with a person, am I focused on the person? Do I listen? Am I interested?
Is love present?

These questions can help us to focus on how we are, and allow God to be present with us. This makes such good sense as God is Love / God is with us / God is in us.


Thursday, January 1, 2009


The beauty of a New Year gives us an opportunity to make a fresh start.

We are still the same person we were yesterday, yet somehow our spirit is aware of new happenings when we step into the New Year.

Maybe it's similar to going to Confession. We don't suddenly become a perfectly good person, Yet the very act of confessing our sins helps us to let go of them and make a fresh start.

No miracles have to happen. We just need good will, and for our own sake, we have a need to make a statement about the changes we wish to make.

Let's write down our heart-felt good intentions,, and read them each day. This way we form a good pattern. We visualise ourselves as a good person with good will.

This is all God asks of us, our good will. Our good actions will follow.

So, today, feel good and make a fresh start to this New Year 2009!