Although not a ‘follower’ as such, I couldn’t help being effected by Ireland when it took place in the World Cup. Flags and banners everywhere, on cars and windows and even in the hands of babies in their prams. Such a warm, excited and happy feeling by everyone, especially whenever we did well. Employers in general, facilitated employees so the games would not be missed. High enterprise took a back-seat and enjoyment came to the fore-front.
This, to me, is Irish spirit at its best. .
I know there has been a down-side when drink and over-high spirits have taken a negative turn, yet on the whole Ireland has proved itself a good competitor and a happy nation.
All we need is a goal and we can reach the sky!
Perhaps this also applies to our individual lives. When we are motivated and happy, we too can reach the stars. After all, God is on our side.
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