Friday, November 19, 2021


 Today is my birthday, facing me with the dilemma of moving forward into a New Age, a forward thinking person who welcomes change and is open to opportunities to become a better, more focused person.

Moving forward from one age to another can mean very little, or can mean a lot. If I can think back on moments in my life when age mattered.  For example, going to the Cinema with my older sister, Mairead, and wearing high heels and lipstick so I would look eighteen when I was only sixteen and a very young sixteen at that.

Going for a summer job with my hair styled in a french roll, so I would look older and more mature.  It never worked.  My nervousness and baby face let me down. 

So, age matters a lot  when one is young, and age matters when one is old.  Perhaps the secret is found in loving the age that we are.  Becoming mature depends on the confidence we have to be just who we are, no frills or heavy make-up / short skirts or long skirts.  Just to be oneself.

Stepping into a New Age World is quite an experience.  We become aware of what matters most, loving the person that we are, warts and all!  

The Artist who has created us, has made no mistakes.  We are original, and there is only one of us.  How precious life becomes when we realise this..

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