Thursday, April 4, 2019


To be simple in our approach to life is not simple!
Perhaps this has a lot to do with how our minds and lives become cluttered.
We want to have a simple life and we know this is a
wonderful way to be happy and have peace of mind...  so, what's the problem?
A child learns to walk with little steps and if we can learn to imitate how a child learns, then we are making progress on the road to simplicity.
Take a step and follow through, whatever the goal may be.
For example, we have an untidy room and want to declutter...  take a step towards doing just that.
Make a beginning in whatever way we can, simply start perhaps with one item.
Open a press or drawer and empty the contents out.  Take a moment and with as much honesty and energy we have, begin to discard the 'rubbish'.
This can be hard, letting go of old memories / gifts / photos / clothes etc.
Now is a good time to remind ourselves of our desire for simplicity.
Step by step, follow through, perhaps one hour per day ( more if possible) and how glad we will be.  Happiness will be our reward!
The same applies to our Mind, if it has become cluttered.
Remind ourselves again of our goal, Simplicity, and work on one thought or project at a time.
This simple approach to life is so, so rewarding, what happy people we will be!

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