Thursday, December 14, 2017

Prepare the Way...

Christmas is such a special time of year, a preparation for the coming Birth of Jesus.
When a mother is expecting a child, it's a great and yet anxious time for all concerned.
Will all go well?
It's the same for each one of us. As a Christian we are preparing for the Redemption of the World!
Christ coming to us as a new born baby is awesome and almost unbelievable.
For God to become Man is in itself a marvel...
To come as a baby, vulnerable and dependent on the good will of people to care for Him and his blessed Mother...  Why so?  
Perhaps the lesson we learn is the amazing and beautiful example of an Infant Child.
There is no room for us to be afraid, just simply to love with all our heart / soul and mind.
The Child Jesus teaches us how to love as a child. 
No fear, only Love!

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