Saturday, June 10, 2017


Today is special in many ways.
We are hosting a TIME OUT FOR YOURSELF day in our SOL Studio here in Wicklow.
It's a celebration of sorts where people can relax and give  special time to their mind/ body/ spirit.
It's like a Retreat, not in the manner we might know of... 
A Gift for oneself and a recharging of the batteries to help us become a more focused and loving person.
Stress seems to play a big part in people's lives today and it's such a shame that we are not more aware of our need for Peace of Mind and  time out to relax.
Gabrielle will lead us with a Guided Meditation session.
Veronica has planned a Healthy Food Demo and lovely Lunch.
Seamus will invite us to join him in a relaxing Flute Concert, using his own compositions.
In a way, we are sharing our Life style with those interested in coming.

I've great hopes for a Good Day.

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