Thursday, October 9, 2014

Counting fingers...

While waiting for some time to board a plane, I got chatting to the family next to me. 
Their little girl held up three fingers, 'I'm three.'  
I congratulated her.
' How many are you?' she asked.
I was stuck.  How do you count on your fingers when you are OAP!
Although gently reminded by her father that it can be impolite to ask...  'Why?'
Why indeed.  
It made me realise how innocent and simple a child can be. Ask a question. Get an answer.
We bonded and I enjoyed all the questions she asked her parents and the challenges they had,
sometimes to explain...
'Why does it rain?'   'Why is the plane not coming?'  'What is lightening?' 
Perhaps if we can be as simple as a child and ask God to explain all the things we don't understand,
then answers would come, just like a Father with a child.

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