Monday, May 5, 2014


I woke up this morning with a head-cold.  Not a great start for all my many plans to catch up on work and creative projects etc.
Resting helped me in feeling better and more rest and relaxation helped with sanity and peace of mind.
Strange really, how a state of weakness can cause us to feel unbalanced and yet perhaps, it's only when we are able to face weakness that we become normal.
The gift of life is precious and all of us have limited time to make the most of our lives.
Good to remember that quality is superior to quantity.
Sometimes we almost run away with ourselves with all the ideas and things we want to do.
Yet, relax and reflect, even for a short time and sanity will be returned with interest.
A state of weakness will help us to re-evaluate our lives and become aware of what is most important in life,
simply enjoy ourselves.

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