Sunday, June 2, 2013


They say a person is known by the company they keep.
I'm not sure how true this is, yet we do seem to be drawn by those who compliment us in whos we are and what we love.
As a writer, I'm all ears when I hear about a Writing programme on TV, or in magazines etc.
The people I get on with are those who have similar interests.
Perhaps this is an unconscious choice on our part, to affiliate ourselves with those who inspire us and make us feel comfortable about who we are.
In the spiritual life we learn about our creation and how we are made by God, for God.
Now, to fully understand this would take more theology and philosophy that I can muster.
Still, simply said, I do believe that we are drawn to the life and teachings of Christ by the very Truth that they contain.
Gandi is quoted as saying that the essence of Christianity is found in the Sermon on the Mount, yet the general example of christians held him back from becoming one.
True or false, each one of us will be drawn by who and what we love.
If I love God, then I'll want to be in the company of God.
Each day we choose which way to go...

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