Thursday, April 25, 2013


Conversion is a change of heart where we learn to see our life-values from a different perspective. 
We are converted to a new way of living / we become a new person.
Many of the saints went through a strong change in their lives and there was no turning back, only forward.
St. Paul is a great example and one most people know about. He was a strong, zealous up-holder of the Law of God, or so he thought...
God stepped into his life like a bolt of lightening.  He was struck down and  unable to see.  His interior blindness became an exterior one.
Our challenges can be daily ones, where we are faced with a certain blindness of sorts.  We just cannot see something from another perspective...
Then we use our Faith / we invite God to direct us and He willingly does so.
We learn to SEE from God's point of view.
We learn to grow in Faith and Love!

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