Thursday, March 5, 2009

Say YES!

There is a power of energy to be found in simply saying YES, to life, to challenges, to people.

Spiritually-minded people tell us that a lot of wasted energy comes from inner conflict / doubts etc. We often have a tendency to rely on our own judgements and opinions, and so stress becomes a part of our lives.

The simple good-will to say YES when asked to do something / to respond with a loving attitude to others. Say YES, then all will be well. If we cannot do something, our good-will will placate those we have to disappoint. People are more interested in our love, rather than obedience to their requests.

Every effort we make to oblige another person will lead to love. Our best example of this is the life of Christ. He knew before-hand that we would let Him down, and fail to respond to His love for us / His amazing sacrifice of giving His life for us.
This did not stop Christ from saying YES to His Father. So, imitate Christ. Say YES to life.

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