Monday, September 2, 2024


 Having a Positive Vision of ourselves is a great therapy in being happy with who we are, regardless of certain faults and failings we might believe we have.

Certain situations and circumstances may reveal our shortcomings, and so we can forget the value of being human and vulnerable.  These are the very qualities that allow others to love us.

A Positive Vision teaches us to become compassionate towards others, and also to be compassionate in regard to ourselves too.  We learn to see the wonderful side of human nature, where love is welcomed and appreciated.

Perhaps Nature is a way of reaffirming this truth. The flowers bloom and add colour and beauty to our World, and yet they must fade away, leaving us with the austere beauty of winter.

So, one could say, a Positive Vision is essential if we are to develop as a loving person, able and willing to welcome love into our lives.