To be at peace with oneself is a wonderful state of mind. The World may seem to fall apart, yet Peace of Mind takes prominence, then all is well.
Awhile ago, I caught a bad cold, followed with a loss of appetite. Immediately I thought of Covid and side effects related to it. However, I tested negative which was a relief to me, living in community with others etc.
A doctor's visit prompted me to find reassurance that I was not 'on the way out' , just one of many with symptoms of influenza. The best cure was found with hot drinks and plenty of rest, allowing the body to heal itself.
This proved to be a wonderful lesson for me, to realise the effect of stress when one worries instead of keeping the mind at peace. I was reminded of a special saint of old, Teresa of Avila, who had a great saying... 'This too will pass. Peace of Mind prevails!'