At times, we can be selective about what we want to do / what we want to be etc. Good questions to ask, and hopefully we will find good answers.
For myself, Pen to Paper (fingers on the keyboard) gets me going, and I often surprise myself by the results. Perhaps not quite pulitzer standard, yet enjoyable to see what the imagination and timespent can put together.
It is important to find our creative ability, whatever it might be and be honest about spending time to follow our inspirations and imagination. What a great thrill to actually surprise ourselves and even others by our creativity.
Here in Wicklow there is a project in operation inviting artists to create Murals of a kind, and in this way add colour and creativity in displaying works of Art!
This is where we allow ourselves to express our talents for the World to see. Will we receive a good response? Only by applying ourselves will we find out.
I'm enclosing a work of art, based on an old photograth which is receiving great admiration by the people of Wicklow town, and visitors too.