As Dickons said, in one of his great novels, Great Expectations, we can be surprised by the good things that happen to us, and unaware of the sad happenings that afflict others.
Human nature is often based on what we believe is our need, and becoming blind to the truth that it is our true needs that ought to be addressed and not, our imagined needs.
Pope Francis keeps sending out messages to the World at large, to address and examine our wants, versus our needs. Simply put, we have desires that fill us with ideas of needs we do not have.
Great expectations helps us to reach out to those who would gladly help us out, and in turn, encourage us to reach out to others. A simple way to come up with answers is to look at what we have, not what we want.
For myself, just looking into my wardrobe helps me to see how far I am from being fulfilled with the joy of expecting gifts, rather than hoarding them. The clothes I have not had the chance to wear this year, could well be put away, and become gifts for others. That lovely little top I love, yet have a need to lose weight to wear it, belongs to someone else, not me.
I'm beginning to realise the Mind and Love of God, in how He treats us and guides us to become more honest and loving people. I want to have great expectation in being loved and surprised by God. I must let go, and let it happen!