Thursday, November 25, 2021


Living in a World of insecurity, where health issues are of vital importance, one can feel a sense of loss, almost despair... what can be done? 

How can we address a situation that seems to be beyond our power to make things right? Is everything dependant on us, or a higher Power?

Plenty of questions are bantered about, and no straight answers,  yet if we can, and are willing to believe in a higher Power, a loving God who cares for each one of us, then answers will come.

We will be surprised and delighted to find within ourselves a growing love for all that is good.  This awareness and development of a loving heart will guide us and protect us.  

We will become confident, able and willing to do what is right, guided by all that is good in ourselves, and in others.  

A confident and loving heart lives by love, and is protected by love. All that is not good is cast aside.  As Christ has told us, 'I am the Light of the World'.

Each one of us can become a Light of Love that fills us with confidence in seeing the best that is to be found in this wonderful World of ours.

Friday, November 19, 2021


 Today is my birthday, facing me with the dilemma of moving forward into a New Age, a forward thinking person who welcomes change and is open to opportunities to become a better, more focused person.

Moving forward from one age to another can mean very little, or can mean a lot. If I can think back on moments in my life when age mattered.  For example, going to the Cinema with my older sister, Mairead, and wearing high heels and lipstick so I would look eighteen when I was only sixteen and a very young sixteen at that.

Going for a summer job with my hair styled in a french roll, so I would look older and more mature.  It never worked.  My nervousness and baby face let me down. 

So, age matters a lot  when one is young, and age matters when one is old.  Perhaps the secret is found in loving the age that we are.  Becoming mature depends on the confidence we have to be just who we are, no frills or heavy make-up / short skirts or long skirts.  Just to be oneself.

Stepping into a New Age World is quite an experience.  We become aware of what matters most, loving the person that we are, warts and all!  

The Artist who has created us, has made no mistakes.  We are original, and there is only one of us.  How precious life becomes when we realise this..

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Pleasure of Writing

It can happen that when we want to write, we experience a certain pressure, a feeling of duty as a writer, and so we must write.  However, if we can and are able to make writing a pleasure, we eliminate pressure and experience the pleasure of writing. 

To discover the pleasure of writing is easy enough, most times, and when it is not easy, then our creative self is telling us to take a break.  Time out to discover the true writer that we are.

Just like a Play that is scripted well, the main words are dialogue between the characters in the play, yet it is very important to include no words, make room for Silence.

The pleasure of writing is dependent on our honesty, knowing who we are, and what we want to say. Creative writing especially depends on us being able to have fun while we write. We create fictional characters and as best we can give them a history, a life. This is especially important for our Hero, and this wonderful character will need support and encouragement from other characters who have a history and are true to life.

We will love and hate these characters, and enjoy developing them as real people. Imagine the fun it is to be the creator of the lives of our characters.

The pleasure we enjoy in writing will give reality to all that we write about.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 Some days, we can experience a sense of weakness. It may be physical or mental, yet whatever way we find ourselves weak, there is a need for strength.

St. Paul is known to have said, 'In my weakness, I find my strength.' This can be very encouraging to realise that being weak is not a bad thing. It may well be an invitation to discover our true sense of strength.

Physical weakness is a good example because we find ourselves unable to manage. Our worklist is left aside, and we are forced to take life easy. Of course, this can be a good or a bad situation.  We may have organised our day to fulfill many things, and suddenly we are without strength or motivation.

This is good. We need help. We need someone to help and comfort us in our weak state.  If we are of a spiritual mind, we have an opportunity to realise our need for God's help in our lives.

Without weakness, we can act as a strong, independent person.  We don't need help from others. We may even believe we don't need God's help.  Yet, as soon as we can accept our state of weakness, we will find our strength in those who help us.

We are a social being. We need the support of others. More especially, we need to recognise our need for God.