Friday, July 30, 2021

The Gift of Life!

There are times when life seems to be at a stand-still.  We are waiting for something to happen.  Forget it. Life does not stop simply because we are not tuned in. 

This is a good time to reassess ourselves and examine out goals in life. Are we aware of the Gift of Life?  Have we remembered to count our blessings?  Is there someone we can connect with positively, and move forward in our relationship?

When we wake up, first thing in the morning and look out at the dawning of a new day, a moment of reflection will help us to become aware of just what is happening; we are receiving the Gift of Life!

Thank You, God!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Counting our Blessings...

Counting our Blessings is a good habit to have, especially in the evenings as we prepare to say goodnight and welcome, end of day. Perhaps we might dwell on plans we have for a new day and prepare ourselves to embrace all that might come our way, God willing.

On reflection, we may be surprised to realize just how many blessings we receive and become aware of the generosity of God, looking out for each one of us, the way a loving Father looks after His children.

Also, it's a wonderful positive action before we fall asleep to have our mind and heart filled with the countless blessings that come our way.  This will fill us with a spirit of gratitude and welcome for a new day, full of the spirit of God.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Dealing with the 'unfamiliar' is a challenge and also, an invitation to step outside our comfort zone, and reach out to something NEW1

Of course, it will be a different experience, and may even prod us to take new steps in our lives, leaving the past behind and reaching out for a new future.

Lately, my experience of something 'unfamiliar' began with a film about a man in his seventies who was diagnosed with ALZHEIMER'S disease, which causes one to be confused and forgetful. It can be mild at first, then progresses, leaving one with the inability to recognize family and friends and places. Some people can become like a child, needing constant help and attention.

Suddenly, I became aware of my own loss of memory at times, in relation to names and places...  could this be related to Alzheimer?  Should I worry about it?

That's when the 'Light' turned on, and I know now that although becoming older can have disadvantages, there are many, many blessings.

The 'unfamiliar' is simply an invitation to grow mentally and spiritually.  How boring life would be, without an adventure of learning new things and new awareness of ourselves as we mature with age and grace.