Tuesday, November 10, 2020


To be a good listener is a great gift to have, because people love to be listened to, especially children.  They want to be heard and we might forget to take on board their need to be listened too.

In a way, each one of us is just like a child, wanting to share ourselves with others. We are not looking for approval for everything we say and yet, the need is there for others to listen to us.  

What we way may be incorrect, lacking correct facts etc. We may think we are right when we are wrong, yet when someone else listens to us, we learn to re-assess our thinking and so, we learn from others about what is right.

Good friendships come about when people are able and willing to listen to what the other person has to say.  Dialogue comes about and an awareness of how individual each person is, and value is put on what they have to say.

Perhaps we learn most when we become a good listener and in that way, we learn to listen to ourselves, we listen to our 'inner voice' which guides us towards Truth!

Sunday, November 1, 2020


 Today, the 1st of November, is All Saints Day.  A great reminder to each one of us to aim at sainthood, which is an invitation to be friends with Christ.

When we look at the apostles, at how weak and vulnerable they were; unable to be more than human persons with good will, then we have their great examples to follow as regards becoming saints.

Sainthood is based on giving all with a good heart; a willingness to follow the teachings of Christ.  We only become more than we are, by the Grace of God.

Even a child can become a saint and have this loving friendship with Christ. So, why not us?  Can we be faithful to the inspirations and motivations that come our way to help us to become a true Christian?

Perhaps, it is easier than we think. Just lift the little foot and follow in the footsteps of Christ, our best Mentor.     'Fear not... '   'Love one another'    'Give all for All'.