Friday, October 23, 2020


I believe every person has a definite purpose in life, a Calling to follow, and by following that calling, will discover the secret to a happy life.

If we are open minded and aware of our desire to be happy and able to be ourselves, no matter what our circumstances in life may be, then we will discover our calling and respond with a willing heart.

Today, my friends and I watched a dvd about Monks in a Cistercian Monastery in England. The dvd was called 'Outside the City'. The monks were so natural and willing to share their reasons for becoming a monk.  They received a calling and obeyed the call.  

Each monk had their story to tell; of their desire to love God.  So simple and so profound.

Most people are called to have a family / some to become scientists and poets and writers.  ALL of us are called to find our path to God. 

Monday, October 19, 2020


Life can be a good balance of strengths and weaknesses.  What one might call the ups and downs of life.

Just lately, my weaknesses seem to outweigh my strengths.  This can be discouraging and sometimes frightening.  One can feel unbalanced and unable to respond logically and clearly to the challenges of life.

However, knowing the true purpose of weakness can become my strength. When I am weak, then I can allow God to become my strength.

'When I am weak, then I am strong.'  How wonderful and encouraging it is to know that we can choose to allow God to be our strength, at all times.

Friday, October 16, 2020


Years ago, I was invited to make a 'Silent' Retreat.  The Convent Centre was outside Dublin. The time slot was for a weekend, beginning Friday night and finishing up on Sunday afternoon.  This was a 'first' for me and I was looking forward to the whole adventure of Silence!

The first evening began with a chat about the Retreat we were going to do; taking time out from our normal busy life and adapting to a quiet space, an opportunity to develop and increase our spiritual life.

For me, that first night was an eye opener.  I couldn't sleep. It was too quiet; no cars or street lights or activity, the way it would be in the City.  We were surrounded by darkness and a very occasional sound of a owl or something, and silence!

However, it turned out to be a wonderful Retreat, stepping away from all the outer noises of life, and connecting with an awareness of the 'inner' peace within.

Now, with Covid 19 and lockdown, there is a certain similarity taking place, of living a quiet life away from the hustle and bustle of accepted modern life.  In a way, we are being invited to pace ourselves more quietly and peacefully; letting go of many things that prove to be non essential. 

If accepted with a good heart, we might well receive a positive attitude to lockdown, and find room in our lives for periods of welcome Silence!  

Monday, October 12, 2020

To be One with God

 When we want to be friends with someone, we become like an apprentice, learning about them / what pleases them / likes and dislikes etc.

The result is a loving friendship which enhances our lives and theirs too. Through the efforts we make to become a true friend, our lives are enriched with happiness.

The same applies to our relationship with God.  We don't know God and yet, through the Gospels and the life of Christ we become aware of a Loving Creator who cares about each one of us and who desires to teach us about compassion and love.

To be One with God is a challenge and one that will help us to be 'God-like' in our dealings and relationships with others. What a wonderful way to live our lives.

Saturday, October 10, 2020


 A fighting spirit is needed today to help us get through the many challenges that come our way, especially during Covid 19.

Some may believe that a fighting spirit is found in protesting against this or that, and as we are many varied persons, there will be many opinions as to what to fight. 

I believe the fighting spirit we need is found in delving into ourselves and discovering what it is that causes us unrest and worry.

When we think of the Christian message, we are constantly reminded to Fear Not! This is great advise and if we can follow this, then we learn that the battle we have is within ourselves / with ourselves.

If I can conquer myself and the many things that cause disturbance within me, then I can and will be content to challenge myself and be a fighting spirit, working for peace and happiness.

Begin with the little, nitty gritty things that disturb our inner peace. Conquer them and we can be proud to call ourselves a truly Fighting Spirit!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Today, beginning our lockdown in level 3 is an invitation to trust, to trust in God who is above all and to trust in each other that we will respond with good will and not be afraid of the challenges that come our way.

We don't have answers for the future, so the best that we can do is respond now, with trust and faith that all will be well.  We have a lovely country with the sun shining and reminding us that life is beautiful.

Let's spend a little time today in finding 'gems' of beauty to admire and make them part of our lives.  It can be a smile / timeout to enjoy a walk / a creative inspiration to write a poem or letter or whatever.  Life is wonderful and even more so when we give our selves time to enjoy it.

Trust that all will be well.  Trust that God is above ALL  and loves us very much.