Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Purpose in Life

No matter who we are, or where we are, or what we do, we need a strong purpose in life, a fulfillment for having a life.

For me, my Faith in God guides me towards being a true Christian, a follower of Christ, able and willing to care about others.  Perhaps I'm not able to do much and yet, just to care is the beginning of learning how to love.

Everyone of us, living on this wonderful Planet, need a purpose in our lives.  We need direction and knowledge to understand and follow the good inspirations we  receive. When we believe in God and believe that God loves us, then all is well.

We may not do great things, or become known as leaders and heroes and yet, just by having a belief in our Divine Creator, we will inspire and help those around us to be the best that they can be and we ourselves will become the best that we can be.

God loves us and especially loves us to love and value life.

Friday, September 25, 2020


 When the world around us becomes stressful, we can slowly become part of this pandemic stress, then it's wise to allow ourselves 'Time  out' and learn to refocus.

For myself, becoming over-concerned about things can and does become a fault and weakness that leads nowhere, so now I'm beginning to learn about Time out. To step away from whatever might cause worry or anxiety and simply lean on God.

After all, we have the audacity to call God a loving Father, a Supreme Creator who cares for each one of us, so why not burden God with whatever worries we have and ask for assistance, just like a child would do with a loving Father.

Perhaps, the key to being able to do so, is found in our willingness to take Time out. Study where our anxieties and worries come from and discover that these 'negative' worries do not come from God.

All that pertains to God is positive and encouraging, so let us learn bit by bit to discard all thoughts that discourage and weigh us down.  This way, we will be able to see how much we are protected and loved by God and of course, take Time out to thank God for being our best support in life.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 I listened to a great reading this morning, by St. Paul.  Paul's letter was sent as a guide to the early Christians and encouraging them to have Faith and Hope and above all, put Love first.

It makes me wonder about our Christian values of today.  I know and believe how important it is to have Faith, to believe in the goodness of God and also to have Hope that all will be well.  God is guiding our lives and in so many ways and  encouraging us to Love one another as He loves us.

Pay no attention to mistakes and failures. Be humbled by them and then move on to Love.  The more efforts we make to put Love first, the more power is given to us to put God first.

Friday, September 11, 2020


 I'm reminded of a song my nanny used to sing... 'Jealous heart,  oh jealous heart stop beating. Can't you see the damage you have done...'   I was young at the time and didn't understand the words, yet I liked the song and the fact that I was able to learn the words.

Now, as a supposedly mature adult, I can fully understand the damage that jealousy can cause and also the pain when one is jealous of another person for whatever reason.  We are called to love and so there is no room for jealousy as it impedes love and causes pain.  

The soul that is willing to choose to love in all situations and pay no attention to feelings that would deter the soul from loving is one that is very pleasing to God and to others too.  

We may not be perfect at loving, yet as long as we put love first, we will have the power of God with us, always.

Sunday, September 6, 2020


It is a good thing to realize that people are individual / unique and so they will respond to life in different ways, whereas we might think they should respond to things that happen the same way we do.

For myself, I like going to Church. It's a good, quiet place where one is free to relax and allow oneself to reflect on what life is all about.  And so, I used to find myself wondering about people, especially old people and wonder why they didn't feel a need to go to Church or to give time to prayers and important stuff like that.

Then Covid 19 came along and persisted in staying with us, so Y2020 I was alarmed to hear our priest encourage older people NOT to come to Church.  It was as if all my solid values were turned upside down and forcing me to find a more perfect way to develop my love for God.  

I now realize that God represents Love and the best way to have a relationship with God is to become love, in our actions and in our thoughts especially.

Kind thoughts bind people together.  Being different is no excuse for not caring. We personify God by all the loving ways/ thoughts and actions we fit into our lives.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 There are times in our lives when we find ourselves a bit lost, being inspired to step away from the norm, yet not knowing how to do so.

In a way, you could call it a state of Limbo, neither going forward or backward. Something new is about to happen and we must wait, simply wait.

This might be where we become frustrated or worried or disturbed by not knowing. A moment of reflection and a little faith and we will begin to realize that something wonderful is about to happen.

Not knowing is hard and can make us feel insecure and vulnerable. No worries. God is with us every step of the way, guiding us into a new place where we will be able to move forward and learn to trust in His concern and Love for us.

'I am with you always, even to the end of the world'.