Sunday, March 29, 2020


Pope Francis gave a wonderful and moving blessing from the Vatican. The date was Friday 27th March, watched by millions of people around the world.
A special plea for detainment of the coronavirus which is spreading everywhere.
Ireland is already on 'lock-down' and we are cautioned to stay indoors and only go out within two kilometers of our home, and for good cause only.
He is a very heroic man to stand up to the evil that is ripe in our world today and is the main cause of this frightening virus.
What can we do?  What can I do?   Obedience and prayer will be my best weapons, to obey the rules that are being imposed on us, for the sake of saving lives, including our own.
Prayer is powerful, no matter how weak or timid our Faith. God understand us, more that we realize.  He is like a loving Father who cares and wants to guide us to have a good life, a great life, free from worry and anxiety.
Strange to say, God depends on our response.  We have a free will which is a blessing and a curse as we can so easily be misguided.
When we pray, we allow God to guide us and support us.
This might easily be the answer to all our worries, pray, pray. .Keep praying.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Keep Safe...

With the Corvid 19 ( coronavirus) lurking around like a bad smell, we are cautioned to be careful and keep safe.  Good advise. Can we do so?
Perhaps the best advise is found in the Gospel, to love our neighbours as ourselves.  This way we will be careful and do all that is necessary to eliminate the awful evil that causes people to be afraid, almost afraid of living.
The greatest weapon against evil is Love.
When we act from love and keep God always in the picture, then all will be well.
There may and will be a certain amount of suffering, just from having to keep safe ( grandparents cannot visit their grandchildren and vice versa ) and those who become unwell, may even die.
This is the greatest Truth of all, that we will die someday and yet, hopefully not now.  Let, keep safe and love one another and be guided by Love.

Monday, March 23, 2020


Writing poetry is akin to taking a leap on Faith
A sheet of paper, blank yet itching to be used
Perhaps even abused, yet willing none the less.

Poetic verse runs through our mind
We try with earnest efforts to comply
Transfer poetic gems onto the page.

Frustrated, yet not willing to give in
We try and try to dig deep, deep within
Discover the poet, hiding from the world.

Perhaps, it isn't true that we can brew
A poem that dares to face the light
Yet, this we know, we can always, always write.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Contemplative Spirit

To have a contemplative spirit depends on our ability to live in each present moment; to leave the past behind and avoid jumping into the future with thoughts either good or bad.
Memories of time past can be a positive affirmation in the present moment, yet it can also be dangerous because we might become attached to experiences we have had and forget to enjoy the beauty of the present moment.
The same can happen when we allow our minds to wander ahead into the  'what if'  syndrome and our imagination takes flight!
Living in the 'NOW' is the basis for contemplation where we are grounded in what life is truly all about.
A contemplative spirit is one who is able to be silent and open to divine inspiration.  We allow ourselves to be in the presence of God without feeling any desire to do or say anything.
Contemplation is a God-Conscious state and very rewarding to whoever is willing to give time and awareness to the Presence of God. 

Friday, March 20, 2020


Creative Writing is an Art form, a way of expressing ourselves with Words.
For some, how they dress will express who they are.
For a writer it's words that help to outline the character of the writer.
The 'inner-self' is being revealed, even to oneself.
That's why it's important to learn to write from our heart and be original.
It's easy really and yet also challenging because as we write we also learn about ourselves and exactly who we are.
Self knowledge is vital if we want to be a good, perhaps a great writer.
Don't hold back, let the ideas flow onto the page and reveal who we are.
There is therapy in writing, also fun and wonderful reward for the time we give to our craft!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Creative Writing Session

Dear friends, the points put on whatsApp are now outlined:
1.  Flash fiction 250 words.
2.  Supermarket War Zone  (fact or fiction)
3.  Great moments in my life  (memoir)
4.  Poetry  'The Unexpected'
I had hoped to make this a visual / virtual conversational way of sharing our interest in Creative Writing.  I guess my computer skills have yet to learn how to do this.  No worries.  Most important aspect of creative writing is to write.
We all need inspiration at times and yet, often we just need to give time to write.

The first point,  Flash Fiction is a good exercise to help us to make use of being concise and expressing ourselves creatively with short sentences and few words.  (250 words)  can be fun especially when we are challenged to cut back and write less, yet still keep the 'gem' of our creative piece.

No. 2 is more of a challenge, especially when the media are informing us about the Supermarkets and how panic can set in if they can't get what they want.
(police supervision in Lidl etc.)
Let's make this our own and distract ourselves from a crazy situation into a good creative expression of our ability to write.
(Francis MacManus competition is looking for Story for Radio of 1,850 words)

No 3.Memoir:  Great Moments in my Life!
How lovely to dwell on these great moments we all have and share them)
( Ireland's Own are always open to receiving memoirs)

No 4. POETRY!    'The Unexpected'   a heading to get us started.
Lately, I've been told that young children are fond of poetry,  Perhaps they can experience a certain melody in words.
    (Lots to share for our next get-together on 18th April )

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Be Safe...

At present there is a scare about the corona virus and all are recommended to take care and be safe...
Being safe depends on how informed we are and the good habits we have in relation to hygiene.
Being educated as regards a healthy body is good / being educated as regards a healthy soul is of even more importance.
God inspires us as regards our soul, body and mind.
Perhaps the biggest danger is caused by fear and stress and this can be easily resolved by have a little faith and trusting in God's love for us.
We are not meant to be obedient robots, yet we can and are required to be open-minded and especially open to divine inspiration.  If we do so, all will be well.
A happy and practical mind will guide us towards being safe and happy too.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Happy, not Sad...

I suppose most people, just like myself, want to be happy and fulfilled and definitely not sad.
Is this a choice on our part, or is there something 'special' needed to guide us towards happiness and away from sadness?
I believe that being happy is a work in progress and depends on all the little and big challenges that come our way each day.
Waking up, first thing in the morning, could be the beginning of our choosing happiness, depending on our awareness of ourselves and a deliberate determination to face life with a 'smile'!
At this point, feelings don't count. Better to discard them altogether and decide to make a positive choice as a happy person.
Don't worry if this appears false at times. What is taking place is programming.
We regard ourselves and especially our feelings as faulty and so set about putting in a correct program.  
This decision is of the upmost importance.
Choose happiness / choose a positive life and the result will blow our minds!
So simple.  Choose to be happy and so we will be!