Friday, February 28, 2020


Whenever I become worried about anything I begin to realize that my trust in God is faulty.
I believe in God's goodness and care for all of us and yet when it comes to trusting Him, especially when I might be concerned about my health or spiritual progress, I find my 'trusting' ability is not uppermost.  Why, I wonder?
Perhaps, it's to do with being very human and faulty and yet, mostly to do with depending on our own abilities, believing that we can solve our problems.
No wonder Our Lord spoke about being like a child...
' Let the children come to Me..'
Well, now I have another avenue of choice, to become childlike and learn to trust in God's love for all of us.
How to do this?
Simply trust and practice acts of trust, reminding ourselves of just how near God is to us and speaking to our hearts in relation to all that we are and all that we do.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

ASH Wednesday 2020

How quickly time moves on, already beginning of Lent and hardly time to focus on what is best for me to do.
I realize these forty days are precious and time for me to choose...
Fr. Donal at Mass this morning put forward the idea of a spiritual growth, of giving time to renewing and increasing our relationship with God.
This will be my first desire and intend to work at it too.  Just as with people, relationships need time and interest to develop. It's the same with God.
The Saints call it, becoming God's friends.
My next choice is to work each day on my Book, which I like to do and yet, will not happen unless I give time to it.
Pen to Paper and plenty of Prayers!

(Official opening of De La Salle Centre)

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Keep our Dreams alive!

Dreams come and go and sometimes, we let them go too easily.
Someone once said... 'Poets and dreamers shake and shape the world.'
Perhaps this can help us to value our dreams and aspirations.
Those of a spiritual mind believe that we are inspired by God, much more than we might realize, yet do we listen..?
This could well be the key to propel us forward and respond to that inner voice, prompting us to become more than we are.
If one is a writer, then learn to listen and with pen and paper, write!
The same will apply to a musician and anyone who believes and is willing to respond to a creative mind.
'Don't give up your dreams, just yet.
Let them smolder, like an ebbing fire.
Fan the flames and become alive!'