Whenever I become worried about anything I begin to realize that my trust in God is faulty.
I believe in God's goodness and care for all of us and yet when it comes to trusting Him, especially when I might be concerned about my health or spiritual progress, I find my 'trusting' ability is not uppermost. Why, I wonder?
Perhaps, it's to do with being very human and faulty and yet, mostly to do with depending on our own abilities, believing that we can solve our problems.
No wonder Our Lord spoke about being like a child...
' Let the children come to Me..'
Well, now I have another avenue of choice, to become childlike and learn to trust in God's love for all of us.
How to do this?
Simply trust and practice acts of trust, reminding ourselves of just how near God is to us and speaking to our hearts in relation to all that we are and all that we do.