Meeting and greeting others is such a big part of our lives, and rightly so.
was it Tomas Merton who wrote, 'No man is an island'.
We need and depend on others, simply to be ourselves because through our contact and relationship with other people / friends / family and even strangers, we somehow gain a knowledge of who we truly are.
This is a wonderful awareness to have and yet can be frightening too.
Are we not meant to stand alone before God and All and lose our dependence on what others think and say about us?
If Truth be known, our journey in life is that of an apprentice, learning to develop our personality and become aware of our true purpose is life.
This is made easier if one has Faith and believes that we have a Creator who loves us dearly and willingly supports every effort we make to be honest, both to ourselves and others.
When we delve into the lives of the saints and especially those who have written about themselves and offer us guidelines in how to live a good life, then we have a template / a map to guide us through life.
Believing in God can be difficult for some, especially the way in which religion may have been taught to them, yet believing in Truth is absolute!
Some of us have been spoiled by good and honest parents who taught us how to live a truth-filled life, yet all of us have equal opportunities to learn about Love and how it teaches us to be a lover of Truth!