Friday, December 28, 2018

A Caring Heart...

We live in a world that is wonderful and yet flawed, just as we ourselves are.
Perhaps it's our uniqueness that makes us so special and yet can cause conflict with others.  We are created to love and to care for each other and yet, do we?
Our failures as regards love can often be simple misunderstandings or our ability not to see or feel how another person sees and feels.
It seems to me that what makes most sense is to have a caring heart.
When we care for one another then we will learn to love one another.
Mistakes happen and we may not understand another person's point of view.
However, once we have a caring heart, then all will be well, and all is well.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


The value of quiet time is self-evident. Just watch a mother with her child, holding, touching, looking… no words are necessary. This quiet time is enveloped in love.
For most of us in our busy lives, we may forget the value of taking time out to appreciate those we love. No expensive presents are needed. The gift we give is ourselves, our time, our interest.
In the spiritual life, we are invited to take time out, for ourselves. To show appreciation for the gift of life, the uniqueness of our being, how special we are. Strangely enough, it’s only when we are loving, in giving and doing that we learn to appreciate the value of our own uniqueness. We are special, a once-off masterpiece, created by the Master himself.

Preparing for Christmas

It's possible that every home in the Country will be preparing for Christmas.
The big question will center on shopping and what to buy for those we love.
Yet, it's good to think about the whole purpose of Christmas time, to remember that we are celebrating a Birthday, the birth of the Infant Child.
If we are fortunate enough to have a Crib in our home or Church then we have a centre-point
to help us focus on Christ coming into the world to be our guide and yet, why come as a baby?
Surely the world needs a Leader who can help us to know right from wrong and stand up for all that is good and honorable?
Yes, we have a need for leadership and strangely enough the Infant Child is the best example that we can have.  Someone who is not afraid to be vulnerable, coming as a baby totally
needful for everything and trusting that mankind will respond to His Father's love for them.
Am I willing to be one of these people?
Good to know we become who and what we love.

Christmas Day 2018

How time flies, already Christmas day has come and such a joy to celebrate with friends the Birth of Christ.
It's such a mystery that God presents Himself as a vulnerable Infant Child, totally dependent on His Mother and husband Joseph to take care of Him.
The love of a mother is known and lauded by the World and yet, Mary was very young and she and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to be registered without thought of Mary's condition and how long the journey would take.
They came to Bethlehem as strangers and had to beg for a place to stay.  The Inn was full, yet some kind person told them about the stable. The manger became the cradle and a cow and donkey became their means of keeping warm.  
How did Mary manage?  Had they any food?  Questions we can only ask and hope the arrival of the shepherds who came to adore the Infant Child, could also help the Blessed Virgin. We know the story without full reality.
Perhaps, Divine Intervention through Angelic persons were there to assist too.
What impresses me most is God's love in sending His Son to help save the world. Thank you God!

Friday, December 21, 2018

The Shortest Day

Today, 21st December 2018 is the shortest day of the year.
From now on the days can only get longer and yet it's really what we put into our day that makes it long or short.
If I sit dreaming about writing , then at the end of the day, I only have my dream of writing.
When I put pen to paper ( fingers to the keyboard) then I begin to make progress.
I become productive.
Life is all about being productive and having regard and value on our time.
Without pressure, we can achieve a lot and be happy with ourselves.
Perhaps this is the secret of a happy life, value each moment and give of our best.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

A Mother's Love...

This day 8th December, so many years ago, my mother passed away. She was forty eight years old and the mother of eight children.
It was a great loss to the family as my father had died less than two years previous, yet we survived thank God.  We needed each other and therefore supported each other as best we could.
The family will celebrate both parents with an anniversary Mass R.I.P. and use this opportunity to come together with lunch and memories.
The feast of our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated by the Church today and I feel such a bond between my two mothers,  knowing that I will always be loved by them
A Mother's love is such a blessing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Respond prositively

A little experience I've had lately has taught me a lot...
I felt under pressure and reacted to the situation which did not help at all.
On reflection, I realised that the situation called for a positive response.
In good time I learned to do this and the pressure I felt disappeared like hot air!
A good lesson to learn and hopefully to practise more in future, always to respond