Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A Positive Spirit

Having a Positive Spirit depends on the choices we make.
We might be tempted to veer away from being positive, yet a quiet moment of reflection 
will guide us back to our positive spirit.
Such a gift to be true to ourselves and guided by our Positive Spirit always.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Check in...

If we have Someone who represents the Truth for us, then it's very important to 'check in' and make sure that we are on the right track / following the right directions in our lives.
We can so easily go astray and be misguided.   The world at large is full of temptations that seem to be okay, yet in our inner selves we know what's right.
To do what's right may be a challenge and yet the wonderful feeling and self-goodness is worth any sacrifice.
Let's do what's right and make it a habit to 'check in' and have the comfort and guidance that comes from He who loves us.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


I've become aware lately of the difficulty it can me to have trust, even in those we love.
Of course we may want to say... I do / I do!  and yet when push comes to shove, we can fail.
LOVE shines brightest when we are willing and able to trust each other, whatever the circumstances.  Hurts will come and doubts and even pride, yet when love is uppermost, then we have nothing to fear and every reason for trusting in those we love.
That's how and why it can be easy to love God.
With even a little Faith we become aware of how much God loves us.
Next step is for us to return that love with love.
This is a blessing to have because then we can grow in love for God and for each other.
'Trust in Me...'