Sometimes we can be inspired in relation to some topic of common interest and yet...
Do we write it down? Do we even put down a point of interest?
I wonder how it was for Dickens when he became aware of the awful poverty that was prevalent in
London in his time?
Did he write it down? Oh, yes. He did even more. He wrote stories that people were interested in reading which highlighting this shameful poverty where people lived in squalor and died of starvation and others lived in beautiful homes with servants to look after their needs and desires.
Dickens has taught us the Power of the Written Word and his stories have allowed the world to know what it was like to live in his day.
Today we are experiencing this very poverty where people are starving for proper, healthy food and a place to call home.
We may look at people and be tempted to blame them for not being more practical or willing to endure a hardship where their right to a decent life is questioned.
A lot of mothers would rather walk the streets with their little ones than follow the alternative of life in a violent home.
We all have stories to tell. Let them speak for those who are unable to write them
The Power of the Written Word...