Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Somewhere I read that being diligent is a sign of good character, someone to trust.
I believe this is true because when a person is diligent, they will and do apply themselves to whatever is needed to be done.
In a family or in a community, it's a practical requirement to be as diligent as we can be and step in whenever there is a helping hand needed.
Well, in today's world, the Church is in need of helpers, people who will be diligent and helpful in a most positive way.
If we cannot offer a positive helping hand, then it may be better to wait and pray and then in time, allow ourselves to be moved by Grace.
God knows our weaknesses and allows for us being unable and even unwilling to step up to the mark.
However, if we truly believe ourselves to be people of Faith, then we will be ready and willing to be of assistance..
The Grace will come and all we have to do is go with the flow and let God move us and guide us.
Let us be diligent in listening to the inspirations that come our way and respond with a willing heart.
God loves a generous giver, as does the whole world!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Step forward...

Life can be easy or hard, depending on how we look at it and the efforts we make to be happy.
For some people life will always be a challenge and challenges can be good.
We can choose to accept them as a positive step forward in becoming a fulfilled person.
I believe that we are meant to be centred on God, our Creator.
Then it becomes easy to step forward with our lives and respond to the many invitations that come our way.
We might well be astonished to realise how much we are receiving every day.
To those who are of a spiritual mind, life becomes an exciting adventure in learning to live as a  loving person.
It's a choice and we are free to choose, to believe and be moved by the Power of Love.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


I lost something of importance which caused worry and concern. 
I was disappointed  and accused myself of being careless which didn't help.  
I shared my loss with a friend who reminded my of celebrating failure.  
Celebrate failure of being careless?  We did and I was able to let go of my loss,  at least in my mind.
Next I received a gift, a new handbag !  Such a loving gesture and I was reminded of how abundant
God is and how we can be with each other.
To finish my story, I found what I had lost and now realise how much I have gained .
I feel like the lost lamb who received all the love and compassion of the Shepard!