Timing is so important, the right time to speak / to be quiet / to respond to the care of another, or not.
People can be so private and yet what unites us all is love.
No wonder the saints looked on God as the oracle of love / God is Love.
When we open our hearts to loving and caring, then we move and are moved in a way that gives time to what is the right thing to do.
Our understanding may not know and yet our hearts will respond to what is right because we are moved by love.
Was is St. Augustine who said, 'Love and do as you will.'
What a strange thing for a saint to say and yet what wisdom is contained is that very statement.
Perhaps the only condition that is needed in this wonderful and yet suffering world of ours is the ability to respond to Love.
When love dictates, our timing will be spot on and we will be moved by He who loves us.