Sunday, October 30, 2016

Does God really love us?

At times, when I'm feeling unwell, I'm easily discouraged by my state of weakness and even question the goodness of God.
Surely if we have a loving Father and we are told that He loves us more than any loving mother, then why do we suffer?  Why is there so much pain in this wonderful world of ours?
It was an act of impatience on the part of a friend that caused me to feel dejected. No malice was meant and yet I felt a sense of discouragement creep in.
I continued my journey, fighting the weakness of feeling sorry for myself...  then this fine handsome man passed me by carrying a lovely bouquet of flowers.
"Lovely flowers" 
'Thank you' he said as we passed each other by, then I heard him say, 'Would you like them?'
He handed me the bouquet of flowers and went his way.
In my heart I felt the love of God through this human act of kindness and my confidence in the goodness of God was renewed.
How simple,  we experience the love of God by making acts of kindness and love towards each

Friday, October 28, 2016

To be my true self...

Lately I've become aware of how easy it is to live according to programs that exist deep within our being.
We may have a program that sets us up as a good, loving person and this is good.
However, it becomes a problem when we regard ourselves as not so good, then that awful GUILT can creep in and cause us to be dishonest, even to selves.
There is no love in guilt.  This is important to remember, then we can face our weaknesses without guilt and do something about them.
God does not want us to suffer and so He will prompt us and help us with so many reminders of the Truth so that we can be honest about who and what we are.
It's good to remember that God knows us and knows the tendency we have to be weak and foolish. 
This does in no way prevent Him from loving us, just as a loving father would love his child no matter what weaknesses they have.
The challenge for me is to be my true self without guilt.
If I am unkind or unloving, then this gives me an opportunity to say sorry and start again.
Love is the goal we all seek after.  Let's not be fooled by imperfection.
Simply listen to the inner voice that prompts us to love, and love!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Power of a Positive Mind

In the world we live in today, we are often bombarded by news of all sorts of happenings.
This can effect us so we are no longer insular as regards being simple and innocent in our approach to life. The result is worry and fear.
We are also affected by opinions of strong-minded people who want to change the world. 
This can be good or bad.
If those we listen to and follow are people of a saintly mind and truly concerned for the good of mankind then we will learn to become like them.
However, we have only to look at ourselves to realise how fragile and faulty our humanity can be.
When we concern ourselves for the good of others, there will be a price to pay.
I believe as a Christian, a follower of Christ, that the price I'm asked to pay is to love others as much as I love myself.
I know I have a love for myself which is good at times and not so good at other times.
For example, when I am angry or jealous and give into it, then I'm not loving my true self.
Only when I know how to love myself truly, then am I in a position to love others.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Having friends is such a bonus in life.
We gain friends by being a friend and it's important to work at this.
Each person is so unique and special, especially in the Eyes of God.
However, we may not always recognise this unless we learn to look with Eyes of Faith.
Leave judgement aside and open our hearts to believe that there is an inherent goodness to be found in each and everyone of us. 
When we learn to believe in the goodness in ourselves, then it becomes easier to see it in others.
A good friend is one who encourages us to see the good in others.
How wonderful if we can be such a friend.