Saturday, February 20, 2016

Love a little...

At times we may feel unable to respond with love to a situation or person.
The fault lies in our expectation that we can just love at any given moment, which can be true.
Yet, it's important to remember that we are not perfect and we do and will make mistakes.
God has no problem with our imperfections, only with our lack of love.
So, simply said,  Love a little.  It can mean a lot.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

God loves a trier...

We can be faced with challenges in life and may feel unable to surmount them.
When and if this happens, it's good to realise that our feelings however real they might appear to be, often fool us
If I am unwell or overtired, then my feelings will portray an image of reality that is unreal.
A good example I experienced once was when I had a  head-cold. This made me feel unwell and all I wanted to do was curl up under the blankets and sleep it off.
Now, this can be a good remedy so I don't discount it, yet at the same time, a friend came along and invited me to go on a trip on his boat.  
I looked out at the sun shining and the sea sparkling and I was sold on the idea.
It was a beautiful trip and I totally forgot all about my ailments, so much so that my head-cold practically disappeared.
It's our choices that create reality for us.  God so loves a trier, someone who is willing to forge ahead and leave feelings and problems behind.
I may not succeed in what I try to do, yet I will be happy to try.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Divine Artist

It can be an artistic challenge to look at life and what we see around us, differently.
Each day God will present His beauty to us, especially in nature and also in the everyday images that we may take for granted.   A pier, viewed from a different angle can surprise us.
Look and admire!

Dealing with Weakness...

I suppose most if not all of us at times, will and do suffer.
It may perhaps be mental challenges / physical challenges / spiritual challenges.
Whatever way the cross comes into our lives is the way we will experience pain and distress.
It's not part of God's plan for us to suffer.  We are loved by God more than we could ever realise.
Yet, the cross will be presented to us and suffering will follow.
Perhaps this could be the secret of how not to suffer, or at least to minimise pain...
Embrace the Cross.  Go forward with courage rather than run away from what is causing us to suffer.
We know we are not perfect and there is a Divine Plan in our being imperfect.
We become aware of our need for God and how much we are supported by Grace.
Dealing with Weakness is a learning process.  
Let's be patient and allow time to teach us the true value of Weakness.