Friday, December 25, 2015

Gift of Faith

Our first celebration for Christmas began with moving into our new premises with huge windows
that let in the light!
What a wonderful experience, almost afraid to believe this is our new home. 
More work to be done, yet a room flooded with daylight is Santa's best gift to me.
Last Christmas was spent in our studio which has space yet no windows.
We learned to adapt without realising how wonderful daylight can be.
This makes me realise how precious is the Gift of Faith.
Even if a person was blind, unable to see the beauty of nature and brightness of the sun, they could still be blessed with having the inner Light of Faith.
I love this precious Gift of Light, yet still more precious is the Gift of Faith.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Let the Light in...

What a difference it makes when we enter a dark room and switch on the light.
Suddenly, all those shades and shapes of darkness disappear and the beauty of a room is revealed.
In a way, our soul is just like a room waiting to be filled with light.
Of course, we need to know how...  How do we fill our soul with the Light of the World?
Most mothers could give us a practical answer to that.
Clear out all the rubbish and things that cling to our minds which are of no use to us.
When our soul is clean and innocent, then the Light of the World will have room to move into our soul and dwell within.
We become part of the Light and are able to share that Light with others.
Let the Light in...

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Prepare for Christmas

Preparing for Christmas can become a huge event, OR  it can simply be a way of preparing for a special Visitor to call in.
I remember as a child how important it was to prepare for visitors coming to see us.  At the very least our home would be a welcoming place to call into,  no special frills of any kind, yet homely and non judgemental. We regarded it as an honour that someone would like to come and visit us.
On Christmas day we are honoured to have Christ the King come into our lives.  We greet this Divine Baby in Church and are asked to bring Him home with us in our hearts.
Each one of us receives an invitation to keep in the company of Christ on this special day.
Am I willing to do this, or will I be distracted by tinsel and merriment that excludes His Presence.
I hope not, that's why I want to prepare my heart now so I will be glad to receive His Love.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Dream on...

We have the gift of life, which is so precious to us, and whatever happens we have a choice to go forward and follow our dreams.
Our dreams may is little or big, no matter, the important thing is to dream on...
We may never, ever, fully realise how much we are loved by God and yet, the fact that we believe in God's love for us will help us to move forward and become a beautiful person.
God so loved the world...
Let us love the world too and add our aspirations and dreams to make it a wonderful place to live in.
How we live now will determine our place in heaven.
Dream on!