Sunday, September 27, 2015

Spiritual Health

Nowadays we are encouraged to be healthy and given good advise as to how we can look after ourselves as regards diet and exercise etc.
All this is so good and yet there is an even greater need to look after our spiritual health.
In our day to day lives we have many opportunities to become a more spiritual person.
We can give time to prayer.  Chat with God and share with Him all that is going on in our lives.
Allocate a special time, and find a quiet place and allow God to speak to us through our inner-voice. 
Saintly-minded people we know will always advise us to develop a relationship with God, believing that He cares for us and wants us to be happy.  
This spiritual friendship will blossom and grow when we are willing to give time to be with God, just like a friendship with another person.
The way to the Divine is through the natural. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I've just returned from a trip to Knock, a lovely present from my cousin Carmel.
We went by bus and returned by train, tired and so happy to have done the trip.
I've seen pictures of Lourdes, yet never been there, so to me Knock represents 'Ireland's Lourdes'.
We were glad to have a stay-over as this gave us time to take in what Knock has to offer. 
The old Church where the Apparition appeared is still there and artistically renovated. 
My first glimpse of the Basilica almost took my breath away!
Here in this quiet part of west Ireland we have a magnificent monument to Our Lady's visit to us, the people of Ireland.  This we can now share with the whole world.
The Airport at Knock affords people the opportunity to travel in comfort and our roads make it easy for us to come without too much of the pilgrim hardship.
Yet, no doubt about it, Knock is a pilgrimage worth making.  The centre attracts people of all ages and there is even a special centre built for the Ireland's young.
I like to think that Our Lady has come knocking on the door of our hearts,  prompting us to take time out to reflect and centre our lives on loving God and responding to His wishes for us.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Journey of Life

It's interesting to look on life as a journey, leading us to our Eternal Home.
We learn so much, especially from those we know as friends and companions.
The main lesson in life is learning how to love and to build strong relationships.
In a way, each time to reach out to another person we reach out to God in them and in ourselves.
God is guiding and helping us to grow in love.
We choose to listen and respond.
The Journey of Life accepts us as a student who is willing to learn from the Teacher of Life itself.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Be kind...

Whenever we are troubled or upset, the best remedy is kindness.
This might come from others, yet often it is up to ourselves to be kind and have a compassionate attitude towards others and towards ourselves too.
If we can imagine how it is for God who loves us dearly, having to put up with our weaknesses and failures.  Does He lose confidence in us?  No, never.
We are always forgiven and encouraged to be contrite about our faults, realising that the person who is hurt most by our wrong-doing is ourselves. 
This is the power of Love.  When we practise kindness then we experience this wonderful Love that God has for us. We learn to love others and also develop a true love for ourselves.

Be kind.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


We all want to be happy and carefree; able to enjoy life and the simple pleasures that come our way.
Yet, often the opposite is the case.  I wonder why?
Are we unable to know what makes us happy, or perhaps unable pay the price for this wonderful
gift of happiness.
A good question to ask ourselves...
God knows our needs better than we do, so it makes sense to stay close to God and build a relationship that will guide us through life.
Our Christian Faith teaches us that we are children of God.  
A loving Father desires His children to be happy and enjoy this wonderful life given to us as a gift.
Life presents us with challenges.  How we embrace them will determine how happy we will be.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Power of God

I was reading one of the Psalms:

"God is for us, a Refuge and Strength,
A Helper close at hand in time of distress,
So we shall not fear, though the earth should rock
Though the mountains fall into the depths of the sea..."

        Great words to express the Power of God.
            Great encouragement too.  How can we be afraid when God is so Powerful.

                         The Power of God is with us every time we respond to Love.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


It's such a great thing to rejoice and be glad for all that is good in our lives and the lives of others too.
The fact that God loves us ought to prompt us to rejoice and be glad.
Through the Gift of Faith, we receive the ability to develop a heart filled with gratitude and love.
Another way to rejoice is to share in the happiness that others receive.
What we admire and are happy for, becomes a part of us.
If a friend receives a gift, be glad for that friend and like the example in the Gospels, rejoice in their good fortune.
This is so important if and when our nature is tempted to jealousy or annoyance of any kind.
Rejoice and be glad and these gifts and blessings become ours too.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Positive Mind

A good time to foster a Positive Mind is the moment we wake up and embrace a new day.
It can happen that our mind becomes almost clogged with thoughts of what to do etc.
Our first achievement would be to give our mind a rest.  Focus on all that is good and how wonderful it is to be alive and well.
Then take Gratitude as our second achievement.
Thank God for the gift of life and all that is contained in our lives.
This is good, to reflect and start counting our blessings / friends / family / home and work. The ability we have to be mobile and alive.
A Positive Mind is such a treasure. It will enrich our lives and make us happy and wise.