Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Do the best we can...

Of late, we are made aware of terrible happenings and earthquakes in our world.
People are suffering and unable to cope so we are asked to do what we can and so we will.
If we can do the best we can, not just now when we hear of sufferings around the world, yet also when we are here in our own little world.
We meet and greet neighbours and friends and diligently do our daily work whatever it might be.
Perhaps there is more, a direct invitation from on High.
We are asked to LOVE and there is no time out to the call to love which can happen when perhaps we have other plans in mind.
Never mind.  If God wants us to do something and respond to an invitation in the present moment, then He will also provide the grace to do so.
Our good will gives us the 'energy' to respond to love at all times.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Look to God...

There are times when we may seem to be falling apart.  Dreams and aspirations just seem to crumble into dust...
These are precious times, not for our pride, yet so necessary for our Faith.
Where we might have been able to hold our own with others, we now feel like a fragile glass, about to crash to pieces.  Fear will probably jump in and tell us we are having a nervous breakdown...
Pay no attention to all these fearful thoughts.
God loves us and is able to show His love more so when we are weak and feeling helpless.
The solution lies in our ability to trust in God's love for us.
We are not being asked to become Giants, able to carry the world on our shoulders.
The invitation is a simple one. 
Become as a child. Allow our Father to look after us.
Look to God...

Friday, April 17, 2015

Thank you...

Two simple words that can mean the world to the receiver.
Thank you for writing / for helping / for caring.
Sometimes it's just a 'thank you' smile that does the trick, yet words are powerful.
A good exercise to practise is to focus on how many times we remember to say, Thank you.
Our neighbour will be the richer and of course we will be too.
Also, remember to say Thank You to our Creator,  Thank You God for caring for me.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Creative Mind

As a writer I often find myself wondering about reality and fiction.
Reality teaches us how to be true to ourselves and grow in knowledge and hopefully grace.
Fiction can lead us into a world of imagination where we explore the world from new and inventive angles.  We learn to look at life, differently.
Perhaps we are a mixture of reality and fiction. As we grow in knowledge and awareness, we develop as a person and learn to make choices in our lives.
The writer who learns to listen to the inspirations that come and develops the skill to share one's inner-self with others is truly gifted.
God will inspire us.  We are free to listen, or not.
If we have a gift, then we become custodians of that gift whatever it might be.
Be brave and adventurous and open.

Let the world in!

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Easter is a time for celebration and yet, also a time for sorrow.
Tonight is the washing of the feet in imitation of the humility of Christ as He washed the feet of the apostles.
Tomorrow will follow His Passion and Death, such a terrible way to die and yet before we know it we can celebrate the Resurrection of Christ and Rejoice.
In a way, Easter us a picture of life for each one of us.
We will have a time for sorrow and a time to rejoice.
Often all we need is patience, to wait and pray when we are in pain and open our hearts to the time when we can rejoice.
A positive mind will aid us through our sorrows and teach us how to rejoice with gratitude.