Tonight, 31-3-2015 was a night of Reconciliation where we were invited to 'clean the slate', make a good act of confession and start again, knowing and believing that God forgives us when we are sorry.
Fr. Pat was in charge, joined by eight other priest of nearby parishes. The program was a simple one where readers reminded us of our failings and also God's goodness.
Strange combination, we who are so flawed and He who is perfect, loving us and forgiving us for being weak.
How could we not begin again and feel a sense of gratitude to One who loves us so.
Now I'd like to carry this further, especially for Holy Week and become reconciled with ALL and everyone I might have a difference with.
We are all made in the Image of God. Let's focus on this and forget about the petty differences that keep people apart.
The invitation, my invitation is to become a loving, caring person, just like Christ.