Monday, January 26, 2015

Pen to Paper

As a writer I find myself at times with plenty of excuses for not writing.
The desire to write is present, yet the discipline to do so is often lacking and I'm easily distracted by my surroundings etc.
Pen to Paper is the motto that can do away with all excuses.  
It also helps me to see that life is often as simple as 'pen to paper'...  
When we find a key that opens up a genuine interest in what we want to do, then it will be done.
Am I interested in living a healthy life?  Find the key...
Am I interested in loving God?  Look for the key that will open up my heart to Love.
Life is more simple than we may imagine!

Friday, January 23, 2015


I wonder if we can 'put' on Joy?
What is it that makes us joyful?  Perhaps the answer lies in how we think.
When faced with a challenge, do I become worried and afraid, OR do I embrace whatever it is I'm being asked to do.
God will never try us beyond our strength and if extra grace is needed, then we can be sure that God will provide for our needs.
In a way, all depends on how willing we are to trust in God and believe we have the ability to face the challenges and opportunities that come our way.
The early Christians were known by their joyful spirit...
Can I be recognised in the same way?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Such a great gift to be educated and learn new things.
I've just put my name down for 121 digital course where a young student will help me to master my new mobile phone.
Technology is great, yet daunting for those of us who are still stepping out of the mechanical age. 
Young people today grow up learning so much even before they go to school.
What a wonderful kind act it is to share their knowledge with an older generation.
Perhaps in teaching others, they too will learn a lot.
This wonderful world of ours will expand positively when we are willing to share our knowledge
and help each other to be a more rounded, mature person.  

Friday, January 16, 2015

Thank you...

The importance of saying, Thank you, if and whenever it is needed to be said.
Perhaps even when there is no need to say... Thank you.
We may be served in a Shop or Cafe...  We pay, yet also say, Thank you.
Thank you to the bus-driver who is doing his job...
Thank you to the Repair man who is being paid to come and help us.
Thank you to the friend who forgets to be friendly.
Two little words that create a whole atmosphere of love.
Thank You God for the gift of life.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Community Life

It occurs to me that Community life is essential towards having a good spiritual life.
We need others to support and encourage us.
Perhaps it's only when we face our need for others we are able to make progress in developing our selves as a balanced person.
Some people are ultra intelligent and yet may appear stupid in regard to common things.
Another person may be slow, yet endowed with good common sense.
This is the way God helps us to be a normal, rounded person, able to communicate and grow in love.
Gratitude for the friends we have and the community we live in is a blessing in itself.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


I met a friend last Saturday and realised we hadn't met for quite awhile.
It was good to renew our friendship and made me realise how important it is to make time for other people.
Friendship can be found and fostered everywhere.
Just to connect with another person and value them as a person is a sound foundation for friendship.
It's easy in this busy, fast-moving world of ours to allow time to pass and forget to give time of quality to those we love.  
Good friends are to be treasured.  Often, it's like a garden where we sow a seed and then with care and love we watch with delight as our friendships develop and mature.