Thursday, June 27, 2013

Be Generous...

It can happen that when we are already busy, more work comes our way.
Perhaps this is a good thing as we can often limit our abilities and feel unable to 'give' more. 
We look at life without the Power of Grace, believing that all depends on us.
How small minded we can become...
God is always with us, guiding us and helping us in ways we might never be aware of, until we find ourselves challenged to face the Truth.
The Truth is we are so finite / so limited in all we do. 
Even the best of us is puny compared with the Grace of God.
So, why limit ourselves?  Why be afraid of failing and being unable to succeed?
Surely the most important steps in our lives are the efforts we make to better ourselves.
God is interested in our efforts, not so much in our successes.
Even those we love are moved by us when we are generous and able to say YES, even when we're hurting.
A generous spirit draws out the generosity in others.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


There are different kinds of courage.
Some people have great courage when it comes to doing things, i.e. sport / training / climbing / running / swimming etc.
Others have a more quiet, interior courage.
The inner courage comes from honesty and humility; a great love for Truth in all aspects of life.
When we have the courage to face ourselves, warts and all, then we begin to know what courage is all about.
We become fear-less, and courage follows.

Friday, June 21, 2013


I suppose we all like a bit of comfort, whatever the circumstances.
When we are tired, a comfy- cosy sofa is a blessing; just to curl up and enjoy a good book or simply have a good rest.
When we have worked hard and are tired, it's a comfort to put our feet up and relax, perhaps watch a good movie.
We all have our comfort ways and this is all good.
Yet, perhaps there is a greater comfort to be found when we are able to look in the mirror and like who and what we see.
This is the inner comfort of our soul, being able to love ourselves and the world around us.
Perhaps we haven't yet received our halo and it doesn't matter too much.
It's the inner comfort of peace of mind that is most sought after and needed.
Be comforted by a clear conscience.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Each day gives us many opportunities / choices to renew ourselves.
We have a routine that gets us up in the morning and allows us to give time to our work, and our recreation too.
In time, we may fall into a 'habit' of doing what we do out of routine.
This is not bad, yet can cause us to be 'stuck'. For some reason or other we stop moving forward.
This is where RENEWAL, the ability to renew ourselves, is vitally important.
We learn to form new patterns / new habits / new ways of doing things, even when doing the most mundane.
Just think of the fun we can have in learning how to be 'different', to become like a new person.
Renewal takes place when we decide to take a chance and break old habits.
We simply choose to think differently / change our thought patterns and we will find ourselves renewed!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Peace of Mind

It's easy to be busy and have lots to do. 
It's a virtue in itself to be able and willing to work, yet also to be at peace with oneself.
Perhaps the balance is found is the value we put on our peace of mind.
We may be motivated to achieve many things; to be creative and respond to inspirations.
All is good, yet be alert and above all value peace of mind.
This is a great way we know we are open and willing to do God's Will.

Monday, June 10, 2013

We know not the hour...

I attended a funeral this morning, a local person who had died unexpectantly, r.i.p.
He was in his fifties, a sore loss for family and friends.
Items of value were brought up to the Altar, representing his interests in life.
I was struck by one in particular, his Organ Donor card.
Then it was related that he was responsible for giving LIFE to three other people through being an Organ Donor.
What a wonderful thing to be able to do.
Then I ask myself, do I have an Organ Donor card?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Happiness is a gift we receive when we allow ourselves to live in a happy state.
It has nothing to do with excellence or perfection.
Perhaps happiness has more to do with weakness...
St. Paul is quoted as saying, 'When I am weak, then am I strong.'
It would then seem as if the best way to be happy is to want to be.
It's a choice, like everything else we do. 
Whether we are aware of it or not, we are choosing the way we want to be.
What a crime it would be NOT to choose to be happy, then do whatever it takes to bring it about.
Be happy!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


They say a person is known by the company they keep.
I'm not sure how true this is, yet we do seem to be drawn by those who compliment us in whos we are and what we love.
As a writer, I'm all ears when I hear about a Writing programme on TV, or in magazines etc.
The people I get on with are those who have similar interests.
Perhaps this is an unconscious choice on our part, to affiliate ourselves with those who inspire us and make us feel comfortable about who we are.
In the spiritual life we learn about our creation and how we are made by God, for God.
Now, to fully understand this would take more theology and philosophy that I can muster.
Still, simply said, I do believe that we are drawn to the life and teachings of Christ by the very Truth that they contain.
Gandi is quoted as saying that the essence of Christianity is found in the Sermon on the Mount, yet the general example of christians held him back from becoming one.
True or false, each one of us will be drawn by who and what we love.
If I love God, then I'll want to be in the company of God.
Each day we choose which way to go...