Sunday, April 28, 2013


It's important to take 'time out' and relax.
We may have a work-load, things we need to do / want to do etc. and yet, being able to switch off and simply relax is an art in itself.
Relaxation allows us to re-form our thought patterns.
We take time out to process the various ideas and creative endeavours that float around in our head.
For the Creative mind, this is vitally important.  It's like a spring-cleaning job.
Instead of running our many ideas and endeavours into the ground, we come  away from them.
Relaxing with a good book is one way / looking at an interesting film / writing a letter / talking with a friend etc. / whatever we are inspired to do will help us to keep sane and in touch with the reality of the world around us.
We are created to love, first and foremost.
After that we busy ourselves in being productive, which is all good.
What a shame if we lose sight of our prime purpose, to love.
Care is needed to protect us from becoming self-absorbed.
'People-absorbed' is a positive step in developing and learning how to love.
Take time out and listen to the inner-voice which is focused on love.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Conversion is a change of heart where we learn to see our life-values from a different perspective. 
We are converted to a new way of living / we become a new person.
Many of the saints went through a strong change in their lives and there was no turning back, only forward.
St. Paul is a great example and one most people know about. He was a strong, zealous up-holder of the Law of God, or so he thought...
God stepped into his life like a bolt of lightening.  He was struck down and  unable to see.  His interior blindness became an exterior one.
Our challenges can be daily ones, where we are faced with a certain blindness of sorts.  We just cannot see something from another perspective...
Then we use our Faith / we invite God to direct us and He willingly does so.
We learn to SEE from God's point of view.
We learn to grow in Faith and Love!

Monday, April 22, 2013


Being Creative is a great way to expand ourselves and become aware of how beautiful life is, in general and in particular.
Sometimes we may think of being creative as someone who paints or sculpts or writes great plays or novels etc. etc.
The Creative person is one who has the ability to see beauty in even the smallest thing.  It's like being in a flower garden and admiring the daisy just as much as the rose.
Children can be a great aid in having a creative mind.  They are so original, learning language and developing their abilities for the very first time.  Everything is new for them.
If we could be of that frame of mind and be able to see the world we live in with an original mind, just like the child, how wonderful life would be.
Putting all talent aside, each one of us has an original mind / a God-given ability to be creative and share our vision of beauty with others.
How wonderful life becomes when we do just that. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It's good to know and value Gentleness.
When we are patient and take time to see Life as it is, then we can practise gentleness.
We have the ability to be kind and listen to what others say.
Gentleness teaches us how to bring out the best in ourselves and others.
We become true to who we really are.
A gentle person is lovable / able to laugh / able to care about this wonderful world we live in.
Gentleness when practised, teaches us how to grow and develop our personalities with grace.
Let's be Gentle in all we say and think and do, a truly gentle-person