Thursday, January 17, 2013

Preparation is the key!

To prepare to meet a new situation / place / person etc. is so important.
Often, in our minds we believe ourselves to be prepared, ready to face all that comes our way...
Yet, are we?  Can we foretell how future happenings will be?
The best preparation is to prepare ourselves spiritually; mindful of how each moment is precious and seperate and often surprising.
This is where we can fall down.  We gauge the future on what we know.  
The truth is we have no idea of the challenges God will send our way.
Always, with love, God prompts us to become a better and more focused person.
So, we have a choice, to live the present moment in a state of peace and to embrace the future with hope and courage.
Preparation is the key to success. 

Monday, January 14, 2013


'When I am weak, then I am strong'...
St. Paul had a good understanding of weakness.
Only when we are able to have awareness of just how weak we are, can God step in and help us out.
We have a wonderful gift of free will which is both a blessing and a curse.
Because we need to acknowledge just how weak we are so we can receive God's love and protection.
God loves us, always.
We decide. 
Will we allow God to guide us and direct our lives?
The choice is ours.
To have such a Mentor and not avail of His love and compassion would be madness on our part.
Let's open our eyes, look around at this wonderful world, and embrace the Gift of Love.
Weakness is the key!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


To be able to communicate with others, and more importantly, to be understood is a great gift to have and to use.
The world we live in is based so much on communication by word / phone/ internet etc.  So easy to make contact and so easy to be mis-understood.
Therefore, it's good to look on communication as an art-form, something we can learn to do well.
It's not rocket science to be able to talk to another person and express exactly what is on our mind.
And yet, history teaches us that wars can happen / relationships can be undermined because of how people communicate with each other.
The solution is found in honesty; being really true to ourselves and our ability to learn how to express what is in our hearts.
Meditation and silence can help us to reflect and choose carefully the words we use and how we express them.
Of course, we don't just communicate with words, our body language plays a big part too.
Let's study ourselves and become good at the art of communication.

Monday, January 7, 2013


A good friend said to me, 'Be glad, never be sad.'
It didn't make sense at first, yet now I understand what he meant.
To be glad is a choice we make. We focus on all that is good in our lives, and so we can see how much we have to be grateful for.
This gratitude of spirit is what is needed to help us be glad for all that comes our way, even pain.
Of course, we may at times feel sad, and that is such a natural feeling. 
Still, how we feel is often not reality. it's just a feeling that will change, like the weather.
To be glad for all that touches our lives, even the sad times, is most important.
Then we learn to see God's love in all that is happening to us.
We grow into a positive and happy person, glad to know that we are loved.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Listen to your Heart!

Listen to your heart.
Deep inside you know the way to go.
Help is always available.
Listen...  respond...
All is well,
       All is love!


To renew ourselves is a very positive step to take at any time, and especially at the beginning of a New Year.
We are primed to make changes in our lives at this time and to move forward.
So, where do we want to see ourselves at the end of Y2013?
Will Divine Providence step in and surprise us?
Have we enough good-will to make the already necessary changes that we know about, and are we open to New possibilities?
Perhaps a good idea would be to relax and reflect. Give a little time to see just where we are and what we believe we are called to do...
God is so gentle and patient with us. His compassionate nature will always be there to help and guide us.
The deciding factor lies with us...
What do I feel called to do / to be?
This is the question to ask and believe that we have all the assistance we need to follow what our heart prompts us to do.
Go for it!