Saturday, October 27, 2012

Have a little Faith!

There are times when we might feel 'over-loaded' and unable to follow our heart and do what we love to do.
Stress can creep into our lives and we find ourselves going in the opposite direction to happiness.
Is there a solution?
Perhaps the simple answer is to have a little faith.  Bring God into our lives.
We have a Mentor who can guide and direct us.
What a waste NOT to ask for directions.
Take time out to pray and meditate. Focus on our ability to love.
This is the key to happiness.
Let's dump all those feelings that seem to lead nowhere and take up the challenge of becoming a loving, caring person.
This is our true potential.  Have a little Faith!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


When we are busy with life, it's a good idea to take time out and examine ourselves - what we do and why we do what we do.
The best attitude is to be able to do ALL with love.
Imperfections and failures will happen and are not that important. We are human and will be sadly reminded, at times,  of just how weak we are.
This is a blessing in disguise because when we are faced with weakness, we learn to have understanding and compassion for others.
When Christ said to Martha's sister, Mary that she had chosen the better part, He was pointing out to all of us that LOVE comes before everything else.
This is the best advice we could receive,  Do ALL with LOVE!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Strange how being weak can be looked on as a certain failure. Perhaps this is because we don't like to be weak, maybe even despise weakness.
Such a shame if this is the case, because the greatest sign of weakness is the Cross.
Christ was an utter failure in the eyes of the world as He hung on the Cross.
He was stripped of everything, except his Love and Compassion for each one of us.
This is a great example of the power of weakness.
It is our inner strength that matters, not the exterior that tries to fit into an imperfect world.
We are created for greatness and strangely enough, it is in being weak that we conquer our fallen nature / we conquer the world. 
St. Paul knew this so well when he discovered...
            'In my weakness, I find my strength.'

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


To be gentle is a wonderful thing, especially with ourselves.  Then it will become easy to be gentle with others.
What does it take to be a gentle person?
I believe it begins with how we think; what kind of thoughts we allow into our mind.
Often our thoughts are stimulated by the environment we live in. This makes is very important to live in a positive environment where we are encouraged to think good thoughts and eliminate what is not positive.
Kind thoughts will develop us into a gentle person who cares about what is right and who is interested in putting love first.
A gentle person will take time out to reflect and be guided by the Holy Spirit who offers us protection and peace, if we want it.
It's so nice to be a gentle man, or woman!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Being on call is a way of life for most of us, whether in family or community.
A helping hand is always needed and appreciated.
Even more important is a listening ear.  At times, we all have a need to talk and have a friendly ear to listen to us.
We may not have the answers to problems, yet often when we give our time to listen, the answer comes to the person who needs it. 
Perhaps this is a display of humility where an open heart seeks help, then God through inspiration is free to step in.
God can create miracles; nothing is impossible to Him and yet He will gladly respect our freedom by allowing us to help one another.
Being on call is being open to care / open to love.