Thursday, June 28, 2012


Commitment is all important if and when we want to achieve something.

We can have desires and dream about many things, yet only when we commit to following our dream will something happen.

It's such a gift to be able to commit, even in small things.

For example, if we promise ourselves that we will exercise and become more fit, then it will happen.

Once we commit to a plan of action, it becomes easy to follow through and be true to ourselves.

If I want to write a story or play, then it's my commitment each day to give time to writing that will fulfill my desire.

Have the dream, then do it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Whenever we step out of our comfort zone, we have the chance to have an adventure and do something new.

Of course we may feel nervous or apprehensive, yet that doesn't matter.

Feelings are only feelings.

What matters most is our ability to go forward and tread new ground.

Faith is a gift and we grow in maturity and spirituality when we use our faith.

A child grows by trying new things - walking - talking - learning from it's parents.

We are the same. We learn by stepping out and having an adventurous life!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Each person we meet and know will present us with + and - according to our values and tastes.

If we are Christian-minded, then our values will see good in those who practise like-wise.

This does not make a person bad who is educated with different values.

Gandi said he would have become a Christian if only those who were Christian were more Christ-like!

Perhaps the most valuable + we can possess is Honesty.

If I am follower of Christ, then let me be so, honestly.

When I fail to live up to the exact standards of Christianity, then let me be honest and admit my failure, then happily try again.

Perfection is found in the efforts we make to love and continue to do so, despite our failures / our shortcomings etc.

Focus on each other's + and let each other's - be forgiven and forgotten.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Be Not Afraid!

The world we live in today is full of many changes; the way we live and communicate with one another / the way we dress etc.

For some people changes are exciting / others are less impressed.

Why change something that already works well? A good question.

Part of the beauty of life is that we are constantly in change mode. We develop and learn new skills / new habits / new friends.

We become aware of ourselves and others from a different perspective.

In our mind and memories we remain the little child. Yet we grow up.

Spiritual childhood is a gift that comes with our ability to accept responsibility.

Be not afraid. We have God on our side!