Friday, January 13, 2012


It's important, especially when we are busy to take time out. When we feel we have no time to relax is when we have most need to take a break.

Such a simple thing as relaxing can save our sanity and perhaps even our lives.

When we decide to take a break, we allow our minds to unwind. We open ourselves up to more than we can see in the present moment.

A closed mind can not make progress and will lead to a dull and un-interesting life.

Whereas a mind that is open will expand spiritually and mentally, allowing us to see beyond our own limits.

So, whenever we feel up-tight, the answer is found in a quiet relaxed moment. Take time out!

Monday, January 9, 2012


The fact that each one of us is unique is a perfect setting for being creative.

Whatever we feel drawn to can be an indication of where our creative-self is to be found.

Is it writing / painting / gardening / hill-walking / music /drama ?

Perhaps we are a peoples-person and this is where our gift lies.

We might be some or all of these, yet there is special gift that we have been given and that will lead us on to becoming a truly holistic person.

When we read the lives of the saints, we are given an idea of how God draws people through their gifts.

So important then to have an open mind and listen to our calling.

We owe it to ourselves to be the best that we can be, and most important of all to be happy in following our gift.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Being able to communicate with another person is sometimes easy / sometimes not.

There is an art form in being able to communicate in such a way that we actually find ourselves understanding one another.

It can happen that in our minds we believe we are saying words that make sense to another person. They may not.

It's humorous to see how people mis-understand each other at times, lending comedy to everyday life.

Yet, it's such a gift to be understood when we speak.

This comes from the heart. We give our heads a rest and allow the truth to be expressed through us.

Simply put, mean what we say and say what we mean.

Practise the art of communication!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Next Saturday, 7th January 2012, I'll begin again to host Creative Writing Workshops in SOL Studio.

I look forward to this occasion, meeting new people and old friends. Being part of other people's growth in creativity is quite an honour.

Each person is unique. This is proved so well when we experiment and start writing a short, fabricated story using the same sentence. For example...

'She stood by the sea, watching the waves as they crashed upon the rocks below...'

Each person will start off with the same line, yet begin a new story of their own.

This is a proof of our individuality and an awareness of how unique and special we are.

All are welcome to come. (Check sol website).

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Today, the first day of Y2012 is a first step in creating new patterns/ new ways of being and behaving.

They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit, so now is a good time to start and make a new beginning!

We have God on our side, so we have everything to hope for, and in a way, nothing to lose.

Even our so-called failures can be stepping stones to success.

Are we up to it? If so, let's begin!